Welcome to the first post of our Chakra Series.
As my spiritual practice grows, the chakras have been a great source of inspiration and guidance for self improvement and development. I have had such a great time using them as a prompt for self exploration that I wanted to share what I've learned so far with you. Let's begin.
As with most things, we start at the beginning; The root chakra.
The root chakra, also known as Muladhara, is the first of the seven major chakras in the body, located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the color red and represents our foundation, stability, and basic needs for survival. When the root chakra is balanced, we feel grounded, secure, and connected to our physical bodies and the earth.Â
If you are experiencing feelings of anxiety, fear, instability or have physical symptoms like lower back pain and digestive issues, this may be a sign of an imbalanced or blocked root chakra. But don't worry, there are things we can do to help bring it back into alignment and balance.
To balance and realign our root chakra, we need to focus on grounding ourselves and feeling safe and secure in our bodies. There are many ways to do this including seeing a reiki practitioner but for the purposes of this blog post, we will focus on what we can do on a individual level and practices we can incorporate into our everyday routines.Â
Meditation is a great tool to use to realign our chakras and in life in general. Let's start by taking a deep breath in and releasing it slowly. Allow your body to relax and release any tension. Now, imagine a warm, red light at the base of your spine. This is the root chakra, and it represents our connection to the earth and our basic needs for survival.Â
Observe the red light, what colour is it? What shape? Is it moving? I like to imagine it swirling, and growing stronger and deeper in colour. Are there any thoughts that arise while you're focussing on this chakra. Don't judge and just take note.Â
Some people don't like affirmations, but I find them really help in reprogramming my brain to think in alignment with who I want to be and how I want to impact the world.
Here are a few affirmations to use when balancing or clearing blockages from our root chakra:
- "I am safe and secure in my body"
- "I trust the universe to provide my basic needs."
- "I am worthy of abundance and prosperity."
- "I am grounded and connected to the earth."
Essential Oils
To help further these affirmations I like to link them with an essential oil. That way, when I smell these oils, eventually my brain will remember to be grounded, connected, and that I am safe and secure. Here are a few essential oils that are associated with the root chakra:
Believed to help relieve anxiety and stress Frankincense can help to calm our emotions when a blocked root chakra causes us to doubt ourselves and our path. It is also used to increase spiritual connection and tap in to our intuition.
Used to help increase emotional awareness, Myrrh essential oil will help restore our sense of security and safety in ourselves and help us solidify our place in this life. It is also said to promote feelings of peace.
Just like the large cedarwood tree, Cedarwood essential oil is one of the key oils in grounding ourselves in our bodies and encouraging feelings of stability. It is also said to be linked with the feeling of confidence and trust in ourselves.
Earthy and grounding, Vetiver essential oil reminds us to remain connected to the earth and not live too far up in the clouds. It encourages a sense of belonging and unity.Â
Used for centuries to promote prosperity and grounding, Patchouli essential oil is a great oil to help balance the root chakra. It is also known for reducing stress and anxiety, allowing us to connect into our bodies easily.
Black Pepper
Known for its mental boosting properties Black Pepper essential oil will keep us focussed while keeping our anxiety and stress at bay.
Gentle Movement
Practices like Yoga will help to remind us to remain in our physical bodies. Mountain Pose is a great one for grounding and centering yourself. As you practice, remember to visualize yourself becoming more rooted and stable, like a tree with deep roots.Â
Similarly, walking out in nature, or taking your shoes off and placing your bare feet on the earth can help balance your root chakra. While doing so, take in your surroundings, be observant, and notice how we are all connected. Take some deep breaths, feel the earth supporting and nurturing you, and release all tension and worries, knowing you are safe and secure in the present moment.
Remember, balancing the root chakra takes time and practice. Be gentle with yourself and trust that you are doing the best you can. By focusing on grounding yourself and feeling safe and secure, you can bring your root chakra back into balance and feel more peaceful and centered in your body and in your life.